As an added value to HOME TEXTILES PREMIUM by TEXTILHOGAR, the Show presents its own Selection of four Home Textiles Trends for 2016, and offers an exercise in style, after an intensive and careful information research and selection process inside the most conspicuous intelligence resources, from the most extreme cutting-edge ones to the most commercial and close to the market profile ones, in addition to the exchange patterns with our exhibitors. TRENDS TOGETHER is a real sample of what the Home Textiles market is going to present for 2016 and will be an enriching experience for our visitors.
Think global, act local. In a globalized world, home textiles proposals are not subtracted from large mainstream trends laid down by trendsetters that give shape to business policies on a medium and long-term basis. In this general context, men –and women- are proceeding on a foundation of two clashing opinions, two opposing affections: on the one hand, its inherent right to survival, protection and comfort; on the other, its thirst for knowledge, learning, experiences and adventure.
Finding the right balance that everyone wants between them is in the personhood of every human being, both at an individual and a collective level. And the manifestation of that personality on the immediate context is in the selection of their most intimate habitat, their ‘oikos’, and their environment.
Wanderlust. Travelling as a must. Becoming acquainted with other realities, other landscapes, taking us to the Nordic World, that we incorporate, appropriately domesticated, into our environment, with Nature controlled as a smart habitat, thank to this warm, natural and welcoming atmosphere, simple and modern, integrating cool, pastel, thought-provoking colors, that invite us to project ourselves into the future.
The use of livid colors, degrade, matt white in natural fibers fabrics – washed linen, wool- and other materials such as leather or feathers, in which natural metals such as hematite, titanium and platinum combine with synthetic fibers such as polyester, lure and lame to form the textures evoking a feeling of immense peace and the discovery of other realities.
Prints as a resource to conjure up an image of expectant natures, almost petrified. They stimulate our senses with mineral, metallic echoes, in which vegetal or animal designs are stylized in the winter camouflage which is going to be one of the star prints and patters, together with pleated, dried-up and crippled materials as an imitation of minerals.
Mangata. A visionary approach beyond sensorial perception. The moon reflects in the water. Beyond the inherited reason, we daydream imagining another reality, inside our homes as an iridescent phenomenon of our thoughts, as a striking and bold aspect of our personality. Creating new contents through the unknown, imagining, seeing how much remains to be discovered. Experimenting with the old ones to attract new patters, new harmonies, reaching modernity through the experimental realm.
Colors are so natural that appear to be supernatural. Sky and Earth meet in the colors: blue, green, pink and orange colors provide light to a black opaque base. The glorification of the environment goes hand in hand with the materials and textures providing light. They arrive through the overlapping of inclusions, particles and nylon. Experimenting is needed for creation, here natural and synthetic materials mix: glues, resins, rubber an latex-.
Prints help illustrate some of the experiences, with outstanding light and surrealistic collages, where tropical flowers play an important role and holographic effects result in an overwhelming abundance.
Serendipity. Fortunate finding; the chaos theory, fate, chance, game theory, encountering the unexpected as the result of the quest, serendipity, finding something new in your way. The surprising result of experiencing with ¿conflicting? Interests: ‘ethnic’ and ‘pop’, when joining together, create a new category, a space for romantic escape. That unexpected crimson glow feeling, when clouds acquire a red color after being enlightened by the sunshine.
This double jeu of feelings is found in neutral colors on the one hand – absorbent earthy-looking tones, plant and mineral shades- and, on the other hand bright tones, combining gold with red, pink and yellow tones.
The sophisticated mixture of primary materials – a brazen, tinted glass and raffia base-, and noble materials – natural silk, waxen cotton, rattan, leather, enhances sublimation. Nature joins sophistication for both a dynamic and refined union.
The accumulation of opposing prints pays tribute to traditional cultures that are modernized thanks to a generous contrast of floral and mini geometric designs, long color bands, wide multi-colored stripe patterns and plaiting and fabric screens.
Meraki. The excelling truth. To harness all our wisdom (sofia), all our skill (techniki), all our love (agápi), in the bringing about of something against all odds, through thick and thin, in the search for sound beauty (omorfiá), the harmony, the “mysteries” (místika) justifying our passage through life.
Historicist decorative style in the quest for representing real life. A style exercise on beauty, the classic and its reproduction. A strong ethic commitment on esthetics in which Epicureans overcome Stoics. Historical preciosity, timeless beauty enrichened with a few touches of Baroque. History and fantasy gather into a theatrical decoration founded on graphic subtility. Pure revisited Biedermeyer.
Predominant hues are timeless or historical, where pink and highlights mix up with majestic gold, and where purple and crimson gather here in perfect harmony.
Lacquered silks, lamé, Griffon leathers, golden brass are the textures that reveal glittering precious materials taking us to the past. That includes an endless variety of jacquards, brocades, and they are ideally suited to hard stones and grained wood, that speak of tradition with awe and wonder.
Prints are bound up to a surrealistic world through a neoclassical geometry adapted to the diamond-tipped motifs that will make you feel like being within a work of art, surrounded by Greek frescoes. A floral Empire style is superimposed on rotogravure reproductions.
TRENDS TOGETHER considers generic color proposals, textures, materials to help buyers make purchase decisions from the point of view of design and interior design. TRENDS TOGETHER will be exhibited at HOME TEXTILES PREMIUM by TEXTIL HOGAR, for our visitors.
For more information: Contexto Comunicación. +34963153690
José Vicente Plaza: josevi@contextocomunicacion.com
Antonio Losada: antonio@contextocomunicacion.com.